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Create a generic function for partial application


You want to create a generic function, that produces for a given function the partial applied function.


  • 2 functions
  • the apply() method
  • the slice() method


  1. Define a function that accepts another function (the one that should be partial applicable).

    function partial(fn /*, args...*/) {
  1. Let the function return another function (this will be the partial applicable function).

    function partial(fn /*, args...*/) {
      return function() {
  2. Convert all but the first argument to an array by borrowing the slice() method.

    function partial(fn /*, args...*/) {
      var args =, 1);
      return function() {
  3. Convert the arguments of the inner function to an array.

    function partial(fn /*, args...*/) {
      var args =, 1);
      return function() {
        var argsInner =, 0);
  4. Combine the arguments of the outer function with the arguments of the inner function.

    function partial(fn /*, args...*/) {
      var args =, 1);
      return function() {
        var argsInner =, 0);
        var argsAll = args.concat(argsInner);
  5. Call the passed function using the apply() method, passing the combined arguments.

    function partial(fn /*, args...*/) {
      var args =, 1);
      return function() {
        var argsInner =, 0);
        var argsAll = args.concat(argsInner);
        return fn.apply(this, argsAll);
  6. Optional: combine the previous three steps.

    function partial(fn /*, args...*/) {
      var args =, 1);
      return function() {
        return fn.apply(this, args.concat(, 0)));
  7. Voilá, a perfect, tasteful generic function that creates partial applicable functions.

    function partial(fn /*, args...*/) {
      var args =, 1);
      return function() {
        return fn.apply(this, args.concat(, 0)));
    function createPerson(firstName, lastName) {
      return {
       firstName: firstName,
       lastName: lastName
    var createPersonWithFirstNameJohn = partial(createPerson, 'John');
    var johnDoe = createPersonWithFirstNameJohn('Doe');
    console.log(johnDoe.firstName);  // "John"
    console.log(johnDoe.lastName);   // "Doe"

Alternative recipes

  • Since ES2015: use rest parameters, fat arrow functions and the spread operator (implementation will follow in a later blog post).